Thursday, December 7, 2006

Hello everyone! Well I'm creating my first blog.

I've had an interesting week. I haven't been able to sleep much at night lately, so I went to the Dr and she put me on Ambien. I'm still not sleeping well even when I take it. But anyway, I told Larry we had to find a dog cage to put the dogs in at night to help me sleep better because they had been sleeping at the foot of our bed and Brittany always got down off the bed 1-3 times in the middle of the night and I have trouble going back to sleep. I stopped in goodwill on my lunch hour on Monday this week and lo and behold they had a great big dog cage! I told the guy that loaded it in my car that the cage was an answer to prayer.

Another thing that happened this week was Larry was parking his truck out at Stout Field industrial park where there is no houses around it, and a puppy ran up to him and said "Please take me home with you." He called me and I said ok. It puked in his car on the way home. Knowing I couldn't keep the puppy I was ready to take it to the Humane Shelter the next day and I was kinda torn about that, but I felt it would give the owner a chance to try and find her. Someone had taken care of her because she looked healthy and had on a red collar. She was (notice I said "was") tan with three white paws and had a white chest. I believe she was a lab mix. Cute as could be and very sweet! When I got to work today I started asking around and one of my coworkers took her. They have a big fenced in back yard and another dog for her to play with. She said she would be taken care of. I feel pretty good about finding her a home, but on the other hand sad for the previous owner. There wasn't any tags on the dogs collar. So if any of you have cats or dogs, Please see that they have tags..
Well, I'm going to go back to bed. Pray that I start sleeping better. Lori